Welcome! Here a brief explanation how I realize my works that, apart from very rare cases, I make all from scratch.

Collecting reference

First thing I do is to collect all necessary reference material or I prepare some sketch of the 3D model I want to make.
In particular, here I make 3D models and action figures of girls anime style and furry, so in this phase I broadly study how the 3D model will be divided, aiming to optimize it for 3D printing and hand paint.
Be clear from the start help to optimize the 3D modeling phase, and save time later.

3D modeling

After the 3D model to do is clear, I start with the 3D modelling. As software I use Blender, a free software but complete and functional, that I learned during the years.
I have to admit that year after year Blender has been updated and improved, helping me in my creative process.
While 3D modelling I aim to reproduce i all details in the reference collected in the previous phase. Since these 3D model will be 3D printed, I pay attention to use the right resolution to get all detail needed, but without exceeding with too much to avoid unreproducible parts with the 3D printer.
When I finished with the 3D modeling, items in the file have to be divided in pieces, added some pins to fit them etc…

Extraction as STL file and slicing

STL file is a standard file format used by slicing programs to create a sequence of actions that the 3D printer will follow to create the object.
Slicing program is the program that make this task.
In this phase I setup the setting to 3D print at its best, ie using or not supports or find the best orientation on printer bed. In this phase shall be determined the mechanical properties of the piece 3D printed: a correct orientation will give a better mechanical resistance that will avoid breaking of important parts of the pieces, as the ring attachment of a keychain.
As slicer program I use PrusaSlicer, another programm completely free and always updated.

3D print

This is the only phase of the work where I don’t have to do anything, since it make all the 3D printer.
I have a Prusa I3 MK3S, a 3D printed that use the FDM technology. This technology use a filarment spool of plastic as PLA, ABS, TPU and more.
To me, PLA is enough both for post production and mechanical properties of the material.

Post production

In the 3D printing world there are various activities as post production: removing the supports, sandpaper (if necessary) and hand painting.
One of the “defect” of the FDM 3D printing is that layers are always visibiles, and ins really hard if not impossibile to remove them completely. During the years I have seen various solutsion, but none of them was really definitive. However, i think that the layers are a charateristic of these objects.
To handpaint the 3D printed object I use both airbrush and classic brush.

Et voilà, the object is finished.

Last question is: what do I create?

In the NSFW part of the site I post about 3D models or action figures/miniatures I make of girls in anime style and furry. Here there are explicit sexual content.
Usually I 3D print the models to be about 10-18cm high (I also made bigger figures) and then paint them.
Other than this, I also make SFW content [LINK SITO SFW], mostly tabletop terrain in fantasy/medieval style, for tabletop games, miniatures or keychains.

You can download most of my models from the links below:

I also have an email: fede3dworkshop@gmail.com